sábado, 25 de abril de 2009


en India...
Amigos, por favor reenviar a sus contactos, amigos, y otros grupos. En Kerala, India, están matando a los perros callejeros en formas muy crueles, por favor firmen la petición y difúndanla. (las fotos son graficas)http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/boycott-kerala-tourism-to-save-animal-slaughter

Putos cavernícolas de mierda, y encima salen riéndose en las fotos, me alegro cuando veo en las noticias a esta basura de dos patas matándose entre ellos, pero por desgracia nunca se extinguirán, porque aunque no respeten a los animales se reproducen como ellos.

Os pido por favor que enviéis la carta que tenéis más abajo. En Meerut, una ciudad de la India un perro callejero mató a un niño que paseaba por el campo con su madre y los ciudadanos se han tomado la justicia por su mano y están matando a todos los perros callejeros de la peor manera posible. Las fotos que adjuntamos son DE UNA CRUELDAD EXTREMA.
Estos son los enlaces de la noticia http://www.care2.com/news/member/711641069/1108472

PARA: dmmee@up.nic.in, aranjan78@up.nic.in, igzonemrt@up.nic.in, digrmrt@up.nic.in, sspmrt@up.nic.in, ssp_meerut@yahoo.com, cmup@up.nic.in, info@petaindia.org, international.adsales@indiatimes.co.in, us.adsales@indiatimes.co.in, dinesh.das@timesgroup.com, editor@expressindia.com

Honourable Sir or Madam at Meerut Government, India,I've come to the knowledge that a stray dog in your city has killed a childwho was strolling with his mum, and that the Meerut citizens have decided totake justice into their own hands by killing all stray dogs in an extremelycruel way. We have witnessed truly horrifying images of extreme andintolerable cruelty, some of which we've attached to this email.One of the reasons for which India has been valued and loved internationallyis the wisdom and warmth of its inhabitants, who show a great deal ofrespect for animals.We can understand that the inhabitants of Meerut feel alarmed about thistragedy where a child was attacked, and that urgent measures must be taken,but murdering dogs is not the solution, as this only breeds hatred andviolence among citizens: you can see very clearly, in the pictures fromMeerut, the fury and sadism used against these poor animals, with youthsclearly enjoying watching the agony and suffering of dogs, and findingpleasure in violence, pain, blood and the suffering of others.We know the awful sanitary conditions in illegal slaughterhouses make straydogs develop their killer instinct, and turn them into vicious animals,while also being a source of disease, ill health, and animal suffering, anda danger to people. The most humane and effective solution to these kind ofproblems is a neutering and spaying programme to avoid uncontrolable birthrates. These measures are already being applied by the governments of manyother countries.I think these kind of events are totally unacceptable in today's society, soI'd like to appeal to your sensitivity and common sense and urge you to doeverything in your power to prevent events such as these from occurring everagain.Yours faithfully,

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